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Hair Issues
Premature Gray Hair
By taking plant-derived colloidal copper and chelated copper -(ask me how to get these products), two doses a day, the hair color will begin to come back. It always starts at the nape of the neck, comes over the crown of the head then down the sides of the head. And when that happens, almost everybody sees some repair, maybe significant, maybe total repair of the veins and the arteries, by repairing the elastic fibers. I’m reluctant to give you a milligram dose, because the first thing somebody does is run out and get x number of milligrams of copper and in of itself, a lone free-standing nutrient, you’re not going to be happy with the results because of the lack of absorbability and these other co-factors such as amino acids that have to be there for the copper to work very efficiently, including a trace mineral called molybdenum. And so, I prefer to tell you to take the XXXXX formula (ask me how to get this product)twice a day and if you want to speed up the process, XXXXXXXX has a great product called Ultimate Selenium which has some additional chelated copper in it. And that’s the direction I would go. (ask me where to get this product)