Health is defined as “general physical condition: the general condition of the body or mind, especially in terms of the presence or absence of illnesses, injuries, or impairments”
Children’s health starts in the womb. Changes, large or small, good or bad, in the mother’s diet, and have a great impact on the health of the newborn. From the beginning, a mother’s milk needs to have the proper nutrients so that the baby can build a healthy and well-developed body and mind. The first concern in the children’s health, is the mother.
Mother’s milk transfers billions of cells to the child. These include:
Friendly (good) bacteria
Unfriendly organisms
If the mother is unable to nurse the child at this critical point, goat’s milk can be used as a replacement, combined with lactobacillus.
Dosage compared to adults
As a general rule, when you give a child any herbal, homeopathic or nutritional remedy, the dosage should be one half the adult dose, if they are between the ages of two and 12 years.
From birth to one month of age they are considered neonate (newborn), and should be given remedies only under the advice of a qualified practitioner.
From one month to two years of age they are in the infant group and it is recommended to consult a qualified practitioner on dosages.
From two to 12 years they are considered children.
From 12 up they can be dosed as adults.
*Vaccines are a personal decision. In many states you can get exemptions from a medical doctor or fill out your own religious exemption. We suggest you review Dr. Sherri Tenpenny for more information
*As of January 2018 the CDC says 46 shots/vaccines are given from newborn to 6 years of age.
Schedule an appointment today to get the full list and talk about anything that concerns you regarding your child’s health.
Mother nature is perfect…why are we trying to destroy it?